Unpacking identity: The Model Minority Myth with Nina Ho

Love Intently Podcast Episode 52

“Understanding yourself and your background, your history and what has been kept from you is empowering, and that will help you be a better ally to others.”

Nina Ho Founder of MissFits and Collective Blue in Austin Texas talks about the model minority myth on the Love Intently podcast

Nina Ho was born in Saigon, Vietnam, and landed in Houston, TX when she was five years old. Looking back, she can remember from a very young age trying to reject her own Asian identity in order to “fit in,” and being clumped into the “model minority” Asian stereotype. The recent Black Lives Matter movement has brought up a moment for many Asian Americans to pause and see how white supremacy has negatively impacted them in their lives. What is the model minority myth, and why is it problematic? Where did this stereotype come from and why is it so harmful for Asian Americans today, especially when it comes to mental health and access to resources?

In this episode of Love Intently, we create space to answer these questions and dissect how white supremacy and colorism impacts Asian Americans, the anti-blackness issue in the Asian American community, and much more. Sophie and Nina both share their personal stories and struggles growing up as first generation Asian Americans and we learn about Nina’s event series, “Missfits Fest”, which celebrates Asian American women in entrepreneurship and the arts.

Key Topics in This Episode

  • What is the ‘model minority’ stereotype, what does it have to do with white supremacy and immigration laws, and what is Nina and Sophie’s personal experiences with it

  • How is the model minority myth problematic, how does it hide painful truths about the experience of so many Asian Americans?

“Healthcare is not the only way to affect change. We need artists and filmmakers and writers, and storytellers to shift the culture forward and share these stories that are going to improve the quality of our common existence together. And we need more politicians who are Asian American and can speak to and advocate for our complex needs within the political system.” -Nina

  • When was the first moment in Nina’s life where she felt a sense of “otherness”

  • How Nina is personally taking steps to be an active ally

“Racism is not a noun, it's an action…If I am trying to move through the world with this lens of loving intently, then it is my responsibility to always be mindful and always try to reduce harm and pain as I move through the world. And I think that's such an important aspect about being an ally just because you don't just put a sticker on your shirt that says “ally”…it's based on continuous action over time.” -Nina

  • What is Nina’s event series ‘Missfits Fest’ and what was the inspiration behind it?

“We produce a series focused on celebrating self-identifying Asian American women in entrepreneurship and the arts.”

Nina Ho, Founder of MissFits Fest talks about the model minority myth on the Love Intently Podcast
  • What advice Nina would give to an Asian American teenager today

  • Understanding what colorism is and how it impacts the Asian American community

  • Dissecting anti-blackness in the Asian American community and how it is born out of white supremacy

“We need to acknowledge the pain that has happened in this nation before we can move on and compassionately create something better, and more just, and more fair and more beautiful for the future.” - Sophie

  • Nina’s Three Truths, best relationship advice, and what does Love Intently mean to her

“Loving with this greater awareness of both yourself and the other person, you know, and having more kindness for yourself, better understanding yourself, allows you to better understand others, which allows you to be more intentional and more successful in how you give love to others.” -Nina

More About Nina Ho

Nina Ho Founder of MissFits and Collective Blue in Austin Texas talks about the model minority myth on the Love Intently podcast

Nina Ho is an entrepreneur, creative director, and educator based in Austin, Texas. She is the founder of collective blue – an Austin-based lifestyle brand that celebrates diverse creators through digital storytelling and event production…as well as the co-founder missfits fest – an event series celebrating self-identifying Asian American women in entrepreneurship and the arts. Nina is also a creative director and photographer with a focus on fashion editorial work. When it comes to giving back, she enjoys leading entrepreneurship, human-centered design, and branding workshops in Austin and abroad.

Connect with Nina Ho

Website: https://www.ninaqho.com

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ninaqho/ and https://www.instagram.com/missfitsfest

Twitter: https://twitter.com/NinaQHo

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