Connecting with Yourself and Living A Grounded Life with Arielle Estoria

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How do you connect with yourself? In a world full of distractions, noise, and the constant battle for other’s attention, it can be really easy to get lost in connecting with others and forget to connect with who we really should be connecting with: ourselves.

Arielle ​Estoria is made of sass and good intentions, has a deep love for car karaoke, good coffee paired with even better conversation, breakfast burritos and flowers. Arielle ​Estoria is a Spoken Word Poet, gifted Writer and Author, captivating and authentic Emcee and Speaker.  Shamelessly claiming that she is in the business of pulling on heartstrings, her motto, "Words not for the ears but for the soul" stems from her dedication to remind anyone who encounters her and her work that words are meant to be felt and experienced and not just heard. Which just means you may or may not cry by the end of your time with her. Arielle also has a very specific heart in empowering, encouraging and making space for audiences of womxn to feel at home in their own bodies. 

Arielle has shared her work through spoken word, workshops and themed keynote talks with companies such as Google, Sofar Sounds, Lululemon, Dressember, Tedx, the SKIMS campaign by Kim Kardashian, Hollis Co. by Rachel Hollis and more. 

Arielle’s first EP, a collection of music and poetry called “Symphony of a Lioness” and her single “Magic (In Your Bones)” are available on iTunes or Apple Music. She is Co-author of two collections of poetry: Vagabonds and Zealots (2014) and Write Bloody Spill Pretty (2017) which can both be found on

Arielle Estoria grew up in an environment where she did not feel she was able to fully connect with her body. It wasn’t until she began to get a little older and in the process of entering into marriage, when she started to realize that her body felt so separate from her soul and what was inside of her body. This realization led her to begin on a transformative journey to connect deeper with herself and find grounding in who she desired to be seen as, not by others, but by herself

She began to test and experiment with different tools to help her reconnect with what she felt was missing. Some of these tools included yoga, stretching, Zumba, and just putting in that sweat equity in general. In Arielle’s words, “[Zumba] was like my permission to sweat and move my body in a way that was sexy”. By focusing on these tools that helped her to feel more centered, grounded, and comfortable in her body, she was able to heal and build a deeper connection to herself that had been missing before. 


All while going through this transformative journey, Arielle had a partner by her side, holding her hand through it all. She met him through Instagram after he began engaging on her posts and she took notice of him. They started dating and eventually got married during the thick of COVID-19. Although they were forced to have a bit of an unconventional wedding due to the pandemic, they went for it anyways and tied the knot. Now they are happily married and navigating the ins and outs of married life together. 

In addition to all of this, Arielle is an author, poet, and speaker with focuses on self-love, activism, faith, and so much more. She lives with the belief that every person has been given a gift and strives to help others see their gift so that they may unlock freedom for themselves and for others. She seeks to speak life and spread light and does so through the power and feeling of words through her writing and speaking. 

In Arielle’s episode of The Love Intently Podcast, we chat more about how she met her husband, her process in learning how to truly love and connect with herself, what “grounding” means to her, and so much more. Tune in to learn how to seek acceptance by connecting with yourself on a deeper level, and see below for a full list of lessons/topics covered in this episode with Arielle. 

“Grounding was returning back to the trusting of my voice, trusting of my decisions, and back to embracing the divine inside of me.” -Arielle Estoria

In This Episode We Discussed:

  • How Arielle met her husband and their journey to marriage

“There is no ‘after-this for me.” 

  • Learning to love and accept yourself  “How can I love someone fully and entirely, when I don’t know if I can love and embrace myself entirely?” 

  • Arielle’s tools for deepening her connection with herself 

  • How yoga has helped her “come home” to herself “I love yoga for the slowness of it, for the repetitiveness of coming back here with the attention to breath, the focus on everything you need to show up to succeed and thrive in this world.” 

  • How using Zumba has been key to her feeling more comfortable in her body “[Zumba] was like my permission to sweat and move my body in a way that was sexy.”

  • How she got into writing poetry and life post-university “It's not anything close to what I imagined life to be”

  • Her creative process behind writing poems “...finding what I’m finding and translating that into poetic form.” 

  • Being intentional with your work “I have a specific aethstetic with how I want to imprint and show up in this world.” 


- Doing little things for each other in your relationship “How can I continuously show you that I see you through the little things?” 

- How soundbathing helped her connect with herself “My whole being has been reoriented”

- Managing guilt with her Faith “Was that okay for me to accept healing from?”

- What grounding means to Arielle “Grounding was returning back to the trusting of my voice, trusting of my decisions, and back to embracing the divine inside of me.” 

- Defining the healing process and how she has been going through it in her life “Healing is a restoring to get up and keep going” 

- Three things about life and love that Arielle lives by: 

  1. Nature is our teacher 

  2. It’s so much bigger than just the two of you in the relationship

  3. Grace upon grace upon grace

- Best relationship advice she has received: 

-Find a man that’s 27

-Find a man that respects “your lioness” 

What does Love Intently mean to Arielle: “To love and to love intently is to be open to the expansiveness, not only of yourself, of the world around you, but of the person you choose to spend your life with.” 

