Create collaboration in your marriage with beauty influencer Lynette Ceneè and musician Corey Ferruigia
Make your different upbringings something that brings you closer together and create collaboration in your marriage with beauty influencer Lynette Ceneè and musician Corey Ferruigia
Podcast Episodes 3 & 4
Lynette Cenée and Corey Ferrugia met under unlikely circumstances - while Corey was dating (and eventually engaged to) someone else! Seven years later, they met again intending to be just friends… but that friendship unexpectedly blossomed into a relationship full of joy and fun. After struggling for a bit to define their relationship and decide what they were looking for, they eventually realized that they had found “the one” - and the rest is history.
In this podcast episode #3, we discuss everything from growing up with opposite upbringings and learning how to work through childhood wounds together. They walk through their process sharing of the most defining moments and pains from their past and their journey to making their differences that divided them to uniting them.
In Episode #4, we learn the incredible and hilarious story of them ending up together, leading them to where they are now. We’ll be diving deeper into the ways Lynette and Corey keep their relationship strong through the trials and tribulations of being strong, creative personalities in the public eye.
Join us as we explore how your environment can impact your relationship health to how their shared passions have kept their relationship strong and moving forward.
In this podcast, Sophie, Lynette and Corey discuss…
How understanding your personal timeline - the highs and lows of your life - can help you understand your relationships with the people around you, and what experiences you’re bringing into your marriage.
How approaching life a little bit more child-like can bring more joy to your every day and your relationships.
How they went from friends to people in a non-serious relationship to married - it was a full journey of self-discovery for each of them.
The tools they use to keep their relationship strong - like check-ins and crafting an ideal environment in their home.
How music is one of the essential aspects of their home and relationship.
“The Grand Collaboration” - how they intentionally starting directing their dreams and careers to grow towards one another.
Their shared dreams and vision to change the world, and how they used their talents to help hurricane victims.
Their plans to continue sharing their story with the world, and their hope to help other couples going through relationship troubles.
How important it is to work on yourself as much as you can on yourself before searching for a relationship.
How taking space in a relationship - even a marriage - can reset your communication and set you on the path to fixing problems.
“Finding someone who will love you through the mess is such a beautiful thing, but you can avoid a lot of the pain if you do the work ahead of time.” -Lynette Cenée
“Love intently means to set forth intentions: how are you going to serve that person? Marriage is about servanthood, relationships are about servanthood.” -Lynette Cenée
"Do the inner work only you can do, because your partner can’t do it for you." Lynette Cenée
"It's so simple to diffuse things if you approach things in a child-like nature, at the end of the day we’re just big kids." - Lynette Cenée
"Don’t grow up, it’s a trap." -Lynette Cenée
“We frame our reality with words and communication.” -Corey Ferrugia
“We need to realize that we’re all just kids who grew into bigger bodies and we all just want to play.” -Lynette Cenée
“I knew intellectually I needed to make space for this kind of very serious relationship.” -Corey Ferrugia
“I loved what my mom’s response was: ‘You know, we’re very different, but what I really admire about you is you tell it first. People don’t have to talk behind your back.’” -Lynette Cenée
“I’m music-checking our relationship everyday… the kinds of sounds we want to wake up to, the kind of sounds we want to go to bed to… what sounds enhance our experience.” -Corey Ferrugia
“Fill your heart and your mind and your home with uplifting messages, what you input is what will come out.” -Corey Ferrugia
“We both have a very big heart for the world, even in our vows, I said ‘And I know you want to change the world, so let’s do it!’” -Lynette Cenée
“We can pray and that’s cool and that’s cute, but we could go help people, we had the means, we had the ability to do that, so we did.” -Corey Ferrugia
“We were tested in great ways, failed in great ways, and now we have come together, still choosing one another and realizing there is still room for grace, there is still room for unconditional love.” -Lynette Cenée
“My greatest advice for single people: before you start looking outward... do the work on yourself, the hard, messy stuff first. Doing that ahead of time, you’re going to be ten steps ahead.” -Lynette Cenée
The second episode of Beauty and The Beat. They talk about manifesting your dreams using vision boards, becoming a recording artist over night, drawing inspiration for songwriting through real life struggles and her past experience in exploring sexuality.
Lynette & Corey’s conversation with {THE AND} that went viral.
Corey James
Custom Curated Playlist by Corey:
Lynette Cenee
Joined Youtube Channel
00:18 - Introductions
12:50 - How and when Lynette & Corey met, and when they knew they had found “the one.”
24:00 - When Lynette & Corey decided to settle down and get married
29:40 - How participating in Skin Deep has impacted their marriage
34:06 - How to stay connected while being in the entertainment industry
40:00 - Balancing supporting each other’s dreams as creatives and handling being in the public eye
47:50 - What giving back looks like to them, and the importance of it in their relationship
53:20 - The hardest things they’ve gone through together and separately
58:30 - How taking space in their marriage ultimately brought them closer together
63:03 - Their favorite things about each other
79:00 - The best marriage advice they’ve ever received