Lovespiration from Thales + Faith Wake
pc: Athena Grace Co.
Thales and Faith are people you meet and instantly feel like you belong. Their talent and eye for beauty is undeniable but they don't take themselves too seriously. We are honored to have them be a part of the Love Intently community to to share their Lovespiration and wisdom with all of you!
1. What is something you wish you knew when you first started dating or got married?
Thales Jay Wake III: I wish I was more wise with my single-life savings. In my experience as a single person, having an income with credit cards, you kind of get into the habit of spending and not saving for yourself and your spouse down the road.
Faith Amargo Wake: Honestly, same. There are a lot of financial disciplines that I am learning now with my husband that I really should have taken the initiative to learn and practice back when my income was just for me (laughs). What is sweet now, though, is we have each other to keep us accountable and to encourage each other when things get really rough.
2. What is something your spouse does for you that makes you feel loved?
T: She endures my deathly farts (laughs). But seriously, Faith intently listens to me even when I don’t make sense, and she's able to translate my own thoughts for me. She encourages me in the times when I’m discouraged and defeated, and she helps me press on. Also, it helps that she tells me that she loves me everyday.
F: Jay remembers things for me. I lose my things all the time, whether it be my keys or my purse, and before I even remember to go looking for them he's already grabbed them. Also I swear he tries to one-up me. Here I am doing my wifely duties of cleaning, cooking, and making sure he’s relaxed after a long day, then he turns to me and does the same thing but better.
3. What is something you wish you did more together?
T: Exploring familiar and new areas. In our dating season, we did this more often because we were both a little more free with time.
F: We actually haven’t gone on an adventure in a while. With the holidays and our busy church lives, we’ve been catching-up on work and haven’t actually gone exploring in a couple of months (With the exception of the occasional Disneyland trip).
pc: Athena Grace Co.
4. What is a favorite memory you have with your spouse?
T: This question is hard. There are A LOT of great memories. How can you just say ONE? Okay, one of my top memories of our friendship was when Faith found out that my first name was Thales. Everyone called me Jay, but when she found out that my real name was Thales Jay Wake III she was so fascinated by it, for some reason. She’s the reason why people started calling me Thales from then on, because she wanted to make sure that they knew that I had a “cool name.” And now she has my last name!
One of my top memories of our dating-engagement season was our first kiss. We held-off on our first kiss for eight months into our relationship. At the time, Faith lived in San Diego while I was in Murrieta serving as a counselor at a five-week youth program and we barely saw or talked to each other. After the program finished, I told her that I couldn’t wait to kiss her, so I did.
F: Okay, so the first time I brought Thales to the Philippines girls would not stop following him around, and I just let it happen because it was hilarious watching him feel so uncomfortable. He’s a ridiculously handsome dude, so whenever we would go to the mall, ladies wouldn’t just stare, they would actually follow him until a small crowd formed. We were engaged at the time and I was secure in our relationship enough to make sure he couldn’t find me to rescue him.
5. What characteristic of your spouse do you admire in them?
T: I admire Faith’s creativity, her dedication to her loved ones, and her compassion for people.
F: I admire Thales’ humility, selflessness, and genuine love for people.
pc: Bethany Wouters
6. What are your favorite things about your spouse?
T: Her pursuit of Jesus, musical genius, adventurous spirit, love for literature, and her expansive knowledge of everything Lord of the Rings and Star Wars.
F: Thales is someone I can musically spar with. He has a meekness about him that I wish I had. His Christlike sacrifice and service is nothing short of inspiring. Also, he’s really handsome and I’m really shallow.
7. What’s something your spouse does that makes you proud?
T: When Faith encourages people. She has a fiery yet gracious passion in helping others see their worth and value. She does this crazy thing where she delivers hard truths lovingly and people receive it and grow to respect her more and more. I see how much she intercedes and cares for people on the daily and it makes me proud to see that she is intentional with those around her.
F: When Jay boldly steps up. Because I’m married to him, I see him in technicolor. I sometimes wish people would take the time to see even a glimpse of that as well. He’s a wonderful leader with vision, and when he gets to communicate that either through his ministry or his music I couldn’t be more proud to be his.
8. What’s the best relationship advice you ever received?
T: Two things: Every couple is different and learn how to live sacrificially for the one you love.
pc: Athena Grace Co.
F: Love God more than you love your spouse, because in loving God you can’t help but cherish your spouse as a product of grace.
So....How did you meet?
We met in 2009 at a monthly event called REVO hosted by Faith’s church. A mutual friend introduced us, and we laugh now because Thales was still in high school and Faith was attending Calvary Chapel Bible College at the time (we’re two years apart). Faith was sort of with someone then, so Jay was stuck in the “Little Brother Zone" for a handful of years.
How long have you been together?
Two years and three months! We’ve been married for five months since July 30th, 2016.
What is your current occupation?
We both work at Murrieta Hot Springs Christian Conference Center and volunteer with Cross Culture Ministries. Thales is an Audio/Visual Technician and Faith is a Social Media Manager and Graphic Designer. Faith does some freelance graphic design work under Faithology Creative. We are both musicians with REVO Collective and Cross Culture Ministries. We are also now the overseers of REVO, that monthly event where we first met. Funny how that works out :)
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