Updates & Recent Happenings


Beta 2.0

We care about building strong relationships. It’s our passion and focus and we felt like our first version of Love Intently SMS services wasn’t quite meeting the mark. We went back to the drawing board (literally) and we feel like we have learned so much that we want to share it with you!

Take our brand spankin’ new Love Personality test and then enroll in the improved SMS messages, that are targeted and personalized to you! We also have built in the capacity to continue to get to know via text through asking simple questions to curate your experience.

What are you waiting for? Discover your Love Personality here!


What a blast the Love Intently podcast is! We met so many amazing and lovely couples over the last few months who are building strong relationships. Haven’t listened yet? You are missing out, find our podcast here and give it a listen.

Love what you are hearing? Write us a review and tell us! We love to hear from our listeners.

Where’s Founder, Sophie?

Our founder and fave love enthusiast, Sophie, has been all over the map with Love Intently. She spent time in Boston and Atlanta spreading the Love Intently message of building healthier and stronger relationships. Check out all the places we’ve been below:

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