Sonya Renee Taylor is a New York Times Bestselling Author and the founder of The Body is Not An Apology. She has a passion for helping others learn to develop a radical love for themselves, unapologetically. It is her belief that when we all develop this sense of radical self-love, we unlock the doors for greater liberation. In this episode of the Love Intently Podcast, Sonya is here to teach you about radical self-love and so much more.
Read MoreKristina Furia is a self-transformation coach, teacher, and content creator. She has a passion for helping others tap into their higher frequencies so that they may lean into their true purpose. Her goal is to empower others to be free of their inner critic and to view each new day as a gift. In this episode of the Love Intently Podcast, Kristina is here to teach you how to do all the above and so much more.
Read MoreShasta Nelson is a Friendship Expert, Speaker, and author of three books. She has a passion for spreading awareness on the importance of friendships, especially with the ever-growing loneliness epidemic that is sweeping our world. As if loneliness wasn’t already bad enough, the COVID-19 pandemic came in and left many in a world feeling isolated and divided, leading to extreme levels of loneliness. However, Shasta is here to help you learn how to deepen your friendships and as she has coined, your frientimicy.
Read MoreCathryn Lavery is an entrepreneur, creator, and designer with a mission to help others make an impact by getting clear on their goals and starting meaningful conversations. In an effort to do so, she founded BestSelf Co. and has helped it scale into a large brand. BestSelf Co. has been featured in GMA, GQ, and O! Magazine. She joined us on the show this week to share a bit with us about her journey and some of the lessons she has learned along the way.
Read MoreBrit Barron and Sami Lane’s story begins with a choice, and a really tough one at that. The now-married couple met at church where they started out as best friends. At the time, neither of them had openly come out as lesbian, however, as they began to grow closer it was clear to them that this was more than just a friendship, this was love.
Read MoreDr. Alexandra H. Solomon is a clinical assistant professor in the Department of Psychology at Northwestern University and a licensed clinical psychologist at The Family Institute at Northwestern University. She has written many books on marriage and family. Her most popular books are "Loving Bravely: Twenty Lessons of Self-Discovery to Help You Get the Love You Want" and "Taking Sexy Back: How to Own Your Sexuality and Create the Relationship You Want."
Read MoreHow do you connect with yourself? In a world full of distractions, noise, and the constant battle for other’s attention, it can be really easy to get lost in connecting with others and forget to connect with who we really should be connecting with: ourselves.
Read MoreEmotions can be scary, however, they don’t have to be! Rukmini Poddar is an artist who learned to process her emotions by drawing them out. Now, she wants to teach you how to do the same.
Rukmini grew up in an environment where emotions were not very openly embraced. In fact, she describes the situation as growing up in an environment “closed off to emotions”. As one might expect, growing up without the ability or space to truly express emotions led to difficulties conveying her emotions as she entered adulthood. However, while many adults tend to seek various self-destructive methods of expressing their emotions, Rukmini chose art.
Read MoreEvery gift in this gift guide is designed to foster a deeper connection with people you love.
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